Sunday, June 12, 2011

Idea: New Character & Story/Blog – Best Dad Evar

I was reading a book recently where the author said something like “all the best writers write about what they know.” (Thank you, Ann Rule). As often happens when I read, this gave me an idea: to write about being a dad. At the same time, I’ve always wanted to see if I could write something funny. And I also liked the idea of writing something short that I could post piece by piece on the internet. So the idea of a Dad’s blog came to me. But not just a Dad describing stuff that happens. There are tons of those out there. Instead, I quickly came up with the idea of a Dad being interviewed by a Jeff Probst-like narrator who sees everything and asks the tough questions that Dad might not answer otherwise. So the Adventures of Best Dad Evar was born.

I’ve included a disclaimer at the top because I, like Eminem, will need to cuss in my stories to make them funny. Well, maybe that’s not true, but I find that when I write things the way they sound in my head, there are often swear words, and sometimes they’re disgusting and/or exaggerated from real life. So that’s what you’re going to get from Best Dad Evar. Enjoy!

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