Wednesday, July 27, 2011

These Songs should have been hits #GBE2

One of my favorite things to do, especially in summer when I have a little Itunes money to spend (someone always gives me Itunes money these days for my birthday, which is in July), is to come up with lists of songs. These can be playlists for my Ipod, or just lists of songs that fit some theme.

This summer my song list idea was framed as a question, "What if there was a song that under the right conditions could be a hit? How would one get the ball rolling to turn that song into a hit?" The way I figure it, one way that could happen is if a blogger, and I guess I can call myself that now, decided to start a poll where he asked his readers to start a discussion of songs that should have been hits and then seeded the discussion with his own set of potential hits. His readers and himself would then vote on and discuss all the songs that were brought up. Then maybe one of those songs would catch on and actually could become a hit. Or maybe it would be another song that one of his readers suggested (hint, hint!).

So, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Here is my starter list of songs I think should have or could have been hits, along with links to the song in Itunes so you can listen to snippets of them and get the idea.

1. "Dim" by Dada Dim - Puzzle
2. "Seasons" by Chris Cornell Seasons - Singles (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
3. "For Celebrations Past" by Screaming Trees For Celebrations Past - Sweet Oblivion
4. "Donna Everywhere" by Too Much Joy Donna Everywhere - Mutiny

Now vote:

Which of these songs should have been a hit?

I will be monitoring the vote totals and also the comments and will rework this post and poll as other suggestions are made.


Doormouse said...

I'm going to have to come back to this when I have some more time and give a listen to those songs. I'm intrigued because 1) I love anything from Chris Cornell, 2) Screaming Trees are pretty rad, and 3) I am always on the lookout for new Donna songs! I will vote later tonight :)

Laurie Peel, CRA-RP said...

It's hard to decide based on such a small snippet. I liked most of them, but Chris Cornell was best. P.S. I've never heard of any of these artists before - thanks for introducing me to them.

Catch My Words said...

I think all of these could have been hits. The music business is a lot like the publishing business. You have to know someone and know how to market your product. I have a friend who has written an amazing song that's never made it outside of her little unknown band.


RMD said...

Well, I already told you some of these--a bunch of Chris Isaak songs in particular. :)

Anonymous said...

I liked "Donna Everywhere" the best. Cool take on the topic!

Claudia Moser said...

Same as Beth!

Paula Martin said...

Showing my age, or is it because these are American songs? I've never heard of any of them, or the singers either :-(

Brenda Stevens said...

dont really want to download all those songs i don't know into my computer but it was a great idea..just don't have fast access and this would take forever to hear :( sorry

Jenn said...

I wish I could hear these songs without downloading iTunes! I'd probably like Chris Cornell...but I don't know for sure!

Kyle said...

Usually Itunes will play a little snippet without you buying it. Give it a try if you get a chance